
Casey Cline

Casey believes that the golf coach serves as a filter to the students' ideas, and helps students create match ups that work for them to produce desired results. Casey believes a coach should be a positive motivator to help students with their journey in the game. Some of Casey's coaching highlights are:

2020 Carolinas PGA Player Development Award

2020 Nominated for CPGA Teacher of the Year

SuperSpeed Golf Level 3 Certified Instructor

Boditrak Certified Instructor

Adaptive Golf Certified

Co-Director of PGA Junior Golf Camps 2018-2020

Taught over 10,000 golf lessons

Conducted over 1,000 youth clinics

Why Take Lessons From this Pro

Better shots make the game more enjoyable! 
Bragging rights with your friends and Playing partners. 
The Journey
Golf can be used for personal development and self-improvement and is a life long journey.